Jet Orientation Course

Our JOC has been carefully created and developed by current Boeing and Airbus pilots working for the UK’s leading airlines.

It is a course that has been designed to be relevant and up to date. It is for a pilot who wants to be ready for an airline operation in the present day.

It is delivered at London Gatwick over a three day period by a team of instructors dedicated to your success.


For a jet transport aircraft.

The course takes place over 3 days, and consists of 8 hours of classroom based instruction, and 12 hours in the simulator.

All briefings are fully interactive and lead seamlessly into the flight simulator where we deliver the core of our training.

The course will prepare a CPL/IR pilot for an airline assessment and subsequent type rating on a modern EFIS jet.


Detailed Course Material

Our course is supported by a set of detailed iBooks and cockpit familiarisation posters. This is sent out prior your training with us to ensure you arrive fully prepared.


Experienced Instructors

All of our instructors are experienced and currently flying for the UK airlines. This allows us to ensure our course is relevant and accurately reflects the way the airlines operate today.


Quality Simulators

Our simulators are all quality platforms for training. They all include a full systems layout, performance data-pack and a wrap around visual system. Our simulators include a modern iPad IOS that allows in seat instruction .


For an airline assessment.

For some of the more advanced manoeuvres we believe that the use of full motion flight simulators can enhance the course. This is why we offer the option to conduct part the final part of the course on the full flight simulator.

This course has been developed and tailored to provide the perfect transition from an MCC to airline assessment and subsequent type rating on a modern EFIS jet.Upon successful completion of the JOC, customers will presented with a JOC certificate.


B737-800 FBS - £1900